Monday, May 5, 2008

It's not a comic book!

Saturday was free comic book day as well as Derby Day. These two events colliding can only mean one thing, of course: DAN ZETTWOCH. He is my favorite graphic illustrator/short storyist/yarnspinner/visual thinkerist/blogger/master painter. I guess that's why he's one of the Best American Comics. Even this guy thinks so. Dan was making way cooler stuff than me by the time we were 8. I think it was the ghost (muse?) in the basement refrigerator. Or maybe it's because I didn't drink the sweet tea. Anyway, I'm always delighted to see what he's got in that fancy case of his.

Between this, this, this, this, and this, it's like we're almost cousins or something.

I still think Dan's old gig, XPLANE is one of the coolest things going. And sometimes I read Communication Nation, written by his old boss, Dave Gray.

So what's better than Daniel? Jenny!

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